restorative yoga teacher training
movement in stillness
Restorative yoga defined.
Restorative Yoga draws upon the use of yoga props to allow a profound release of tension on several layers of the mind/body network. By giving students a space to settle into their experience on a physical, emotional and energetic level, they begin to turn on their own capacity to heal; to bring their overtaxed nervous systems into a space of balance and harmony.
Subtle Body.
This training is designed using the koshas (5 layers of the energetic body) as a container to develop as a Restorative Yoga teacher. Moving students’ awareness from simple to complex allows for a gentle unfolding of their own unique experience. Practitioners begin to embody a deep sense of rejuvenation, even at a cellular level. A shift in emotional holding patterns is initiated, thus relieving the effects of anxiety and depression and reducing overall levels of stress and tension.
Art & Science.
Teaching any style of yoga, is both a science and an art. Therefore we will discuss the latest in research surrounding relaxation tools and techniques. In addition, guidance will be given on the use of theme, environment and voice as a way to create a nourishing experience.
learning objectives
Understand the physical, emotional and mental benefits of a Restorative yoga practice
Understand the use of basic Tantric Yoga philosophy concepts as applied to a Restorative yoga practice.
Learn about the basics of neuroscience and the nervous system to understand how Restorative yoga can be beneficial.
Incorporate the aspect of the subtle body known as the Koshas and how they relate to the Elements of Ease ( Margo's map) for teaching and practicing Restorative yoga.
Restorative Yoga Pose Labs
Learn how to include appropriate breathing practices for a Restorative yoga class.
Foster ways to create an inquiry based learning environment.
Create thoughtful Restorative yoga sequences based on the Elements of Ease
Use simple, non-dogmatic themes to inspire students.
Sessions include practice, discussion, lecture and practicum.
investment includes:
A website resource page chock full of references organized by units.
A 45 page manual
PDFS of slides for each unit
Video tutorials of the most commonly taught Restorative yoga poses
Access to an on demand library of Restorative yoga classes and guided meditations.