one on one sessions

I am now offering one on one yoga and somatic movement sessions in Portland, ME. These sessions are tailored to your unique needs. Explore the body-mind with an experienced teacher in a safe and supportive environment.

Investment: $125/per session

  • Explore basic yoga poses to bring mobility and ease into your body.

  • Learn simple breathing practicto create a connection to your own presence.

  • Get in touch with the way your body wants to move, connect to sensations, and explore inner awareness.


My orientation to yoga and movement in general, is that it can be therapeutic and offer an experience of embodiment. We can explore yoga poses progressively from their basic components to more complex forms through detailed alignment points combined with somatic movement principles. This offers a set of tools that can be used to locate your attention inside of the physical, emotional, and energetic layers of the body.  With an emphasis on sensitive inquiry, conscientious breath, and subtle body awareness create the ground from which we explore our patterns of holding. 

I am also a firm believer in taking time to rest and can offer quieter, more meditative practices, such as Restorative yoga. Restorative yoga is meant to access the body’s physiological relaxation response by allowing the physical body to release into the support of props. Simple, quieting breathing exercises may be utilized, as well as directing attention to somatic sensations. 

These sessions can be used for a variety of experiences, including learning ways to work with stress, burnout, and generalized feelings of anxiety and depression. For those looking to incorporate more movement into their daily routine, simple practices can be structured to help achieve these goals. In addition, my intention is to create a safer space, by infusing our sessions with trauma sensitivity to the best of my ability and knowledge.